Author Archives: Finn Jackson
Dancing underwater
Setting off to present in Oslo

This morning I set off for Oslo where I am very much looking forward presenting at the Oslo Sustainability Hub. I’m going to be talking about sustainability in practice, and Continue Reading →
Future of Leadership 7: Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet

The Future of Work Hub has invited me to write a series of articles on the skills and competencies that will be essential for future leaders. They have just published the seventh and final article Continue Reading →
Namechecked by the Institute of Leadership and Management

Great, today, to see the ideas of Inner Leadership being namechecked by Kate Cooper, Head of Research, Policy, and Standards at the Institute for Leadership and Management. In a piece on Continue Reading →
Defining the Next Wave of Successful Business Leaders

I am delighted to announce that in just under a month’s time (1 November) I shall be attending the Sustainable Brands conference in Copenhagen as part of their panel session Continue Reading →
Future of Leadership 6: Keeping Your Head in a Crisis

The Future of Work Hub has invited me to write a series of articles on the skills and competencies that will be essential for future leaders. They have just published the Continue Reading →
Future of Leadership 5: Choose the Best Way Forward

The Future of Work Hub has invited me to write a series of articles on the skills and competencies that will be essential for future leaders. They have just published the Continue Reading →
Future of Leadership 4: An Opportunity Mindset

The Future of Work Hub has invited me to write a series of articles on the skills and competencies that will be essential for future leaders. They have just published the Continue Reading →
Future of Leadership 3: Creating Inspiration

The Future of Work Hub has invited me to write a series of articles on the skills and competencies that will be essential for future leaders. They have just published the Continue Reading →